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Agora (Rio J.) ; 26: e280767, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1527666


RESUMO: Levantamos neste trabalho uma questão preliminar à perspectiva ética de uma possível clínica psicanalítica com povos indígenas. Esta questão é tratada em dois planos; através de um reposicionamento dos psicanalistas frente à dimensão hegemônica da branquitude colonial e, por outro, circunscrita a partir das noções da temporalidade em psicanálise; seja por meio da atemporalidade do inconsciente freudiano, seja pelo manejo inédito do tempo lógico introduzido por Lacan. Avançamos perguntando sobre o estatuto do inconsciente experienciado pelo compartilhamento coletivo dos sonhos por diferentes etnias indígenas e, em paralelo, por meio da leitura do extermínio e apagamento da língua, da cultura e dos sujeitos indígenas, autênticos donos dessas terras, em uma interpretação da história colonial do país através da repetição presente no famoso slogan: "Brasil; o país do futuro". O que a assertiva de Ailton Krenak - "o futuro é ancestral" - nos ensina em relação à ideia de retomada como possibilidade de um futuro para o Brasil?

ABSTRACT: In this work, we raised a preliminary question regarding the ethical perspective of a possible psychoanalytic clinic with indigenous peoples. This issue is addressed on two levels through a repositioning of psychoanalysts toward the hegemonic dimension of colonial whiteness and, on the other, circumscribed by the notions of temporality in psychoanalysis, whether through the timelessness of the Freudian unconscious or through the unprecedented management of logical time introduced by Lacan. We advance by asking about the status of the unconscious experienced by the collective sharing of dreams by different indigenous ethnicities and, in parallel, through the reading of the extermination and erasure of language, culture, and indigenous subjects, authentic owners of these lands, in an interpretation of the colonial history of the country through the repetition present in the famous slogan: "Brazil; the country of the future". What does Ailton Krenak's statement - "the future is ancestral" - teach us about the idea of recovery as a possibility of a future for Brazil?

Psicanálise , Saúde Mental , Cultura Indígena , Povos Indígenas
Medicina (Bogotá) ; 45(1): 93-99, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1435263


La nueva sala 'Del Chamanismo Al Galenismo' del Museo Ricardo Rueda González inaugurada en noviembre del año 2022, da inicio al museo con el fin de narrar una historia de la medicina desde el contexto local. Aquí se evidencia la experiencia humana compartida del sufrimiento y la esperanza entendidas como enfermedad y tratamiento que fue representada en el mundo prehispánico, durante la colonia y el en siglo XIX.

The new room 'From Shamanism to Galenism' of the Ricardo Rueda González Museum, inaugurated in November 2022, opens the museum with the aim of narrating a history of medicine from the local context. Here the shared human experience of suffering and hope understood as illness and treatment that was represented in the pre-Hispanic world, during the colony and in the 19th century is evidenced.

Humanos , Paleopatologia , Botânica
Más Vita ; 4(2): 280-292, jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1392277


Las parteras tradicionales son mujeres que aprenden de forma generacional habilidades para atender un parto natural desde la medicina natural. Sin embargo, estas prácticas carecen de atención al momento de alguna complicación tanto para el bebé como para la Objetivo: validar los instrumentos cuantitativo y cualitativo que nos permitirán Identificar los saberes ancestrales y tradicionales en parteras de la parroquia cañar en periodo junio 2020, a junio 2021. Materiales y métodos: Investigación mixta: cuantitativa y cualitativa. De tipo de campo, de corte transversal de tipo evaluativo, de diseño no experimental. La población está constituida por 20 parteras de parroquia Cañar, con edades de 25 a 75 años. Resultados: El instrumento cualitativo arrojo un promedio de confiabilidad total de sus tres categorías de 89,8 lo que coloca en la categoría de muy confiable y en el instrumento cuantitativo se obtuvo un promedio de confiabilidad de 91,2 lo que señala que se encuentra ubicado dentro de la categoría de muy confiable. Conclusión: Los resultados evidencian que los instrumentos son aptos, confiables y válidos para medir la variable independiente, y su correlación con la variable dependiente, cumplimiento de la hipótesis general de esta investigación(AU)

Traditional midwives are women who learn, generationally, skills to attend a natural birth from natural medicine. However, these practices lack attention at the time of any complication for both the baby and the mother Objective: to validate the quantitative and qualitative instruments that will allow us to identify the ancestral and traditional knowledge in midwives of the Cañar parish in the period June 2020, to June 2021. Materials and methods: Mixed research: quantitative and qualitative. Field-type, cross-sectional, evaluative, non-experimental design. The population is made up of 20 midwives from the Cañar parish, aged between 25 and 75 years. Results: The qualitative instrument showed an average of total reliability of its three categories of 89.8, which places it in the category of very reliable and in the quantitative instrument an average reliability of 91.2 was obtained, which indicates that it is located in the very reliable category. Conclusion: The results show that the instruments are suitable, reliable and valid to measure the independent variable, and its correlation with the dependent variable, fulfilling the general hypothesis of this research(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Gestantes , Medicina Tradicional , Tocologia , Gravidez , Zona Rural , Inquéritos e Questionários , Cultura
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 20(5): 482-495, sept. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368643


Semi-structured interviews (80) were applied in order to document the medicinal plants used by the Pijao indigenous community in Natagaima, Colombia. As a result, a total of 110 species distributed in 54 families were registered, Asteraceae and Fabaceae (9% each) being the most important families. Regarding the parts of the plant, the most used structure was leaves (46.7%), the main form of preparation was infusion (32%), and the most used way of administration was oral (77.8%). The value of use of the species by informants (VUis), therelative importance of medicinal species (IRE) and the index of cultural value of medicinal species (IVUs) were determined. The most important species according to their value of use were: Tamarindus indicaL., Psidium guajavaL., Menthax piperitaL., Moringa oleiferaLam. The most reported ailments were gastrointestinal problems such as stomach pain and diarrhea, general aches, headache, fever, swollen liver, and respiratory problems.

Entrevistas semiestructuradas (80) fueron aplicadas con el fin de documentar las plantas medicinales utilizadas por la comunidad indígena Pijao en Natagaima, Colombia. Como resultado seregistraron un total de 110 especies distribuidas en 54 familias, siendo Asteráceas y Fabáceas (9% cada una) las más importantes. El órgano más utilizado fueron las hojas (46.7%). La forma de preparación principal fue la infusión (32%), y la vía de administración más utilizada fue la oral (77.8%). Se determinó el valor de uso de la especie por informante (VUis), importancia relativa de especies medicinales (IRE) y el índice de valor cultural de especies medicinales (IVUs). Las especies más importantes según el valor de uso fueron: Tamarindus indicaL., Psidium guajavaL., Menthax piperitaL. Moringa oleifera Lam. Las afecciones mayormente registradas fueron los problemas gastrointestinales, tales como dolor de estómago y diarrea; dolores corporales generales, dolor de cabeza, fiebre, hígado inflamado y problemas respiratorios.

Humanos , Plantas Medicinais , Etnobotânica , Medicina Tradicional , Inquéritos e Questionários , Colômbia
Vive (El Alto) ; 4(10): 72-85, abr. 2021. tab.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292857


Uno de los factores de gran importancia para la supervivencia y perpetuación de la humanidad ha sido el conocimiento y uso de plantas medicinales como medicamentos herbarios. En el presente estudio de caso se identificó los conocimientos ancestrales de los recursos botánicos de la parroquia Rural de Sahuangal, ubicada al noroccidente de Pichincha, Ecuador. La recolección de información se realizó a través de visitas técnicas, talleres participativos, entrevistas y encuestas a los pobladores de esta comunidad quienes ayudaron a identificar 23 plantas medicinales de uso comunitario. Los habitantes de la comunidad de Sahuangal, en especial los abuelos y las mujeres mayores del hogar cuentan con un amplio conocimiento sobre plantas a las cuales les atribuyen propiedades curativas mismas que son empleadas para tratar diferentes padecimientos o enfermedades.

One of the factors of great importance for the survival and perpetuation of humanity has been the knowledge and use of medicinal plants as herbal medicines. In the present case study, the ancestral knowledge of the botanical resources of the Rural parish of Sahuangal, located northwest of Pichincha, Ecuador, was identified. The information collection was carried out through technical visits, participatory workshops, interviews and surveys with the inhabitants of this community who helped identify 23 medicinal plants for community use. The inhabitants of the Sahuangal community, especially the grandparents and elderly women of the household, have extensive knowledge about plants to which they attribute healing properties that are used to treat different ailments or diseases.

Um dos fatores de grande importância para a sobrevivência e perpetuação da humanidade tem sido o conhecimento e a utilização das plantas medicinais como fitoterápicos. No presente estudo de caso, foi identificado o conhecimento ancestral dos recursos botânicos da freguesia Rural de Sahuangal, localizada a noroeste de Pichincha, Equador. A coleta de informações foi realizada por meio de visitas técnicas, oficinas participativas, entrevistas e pesquisas com moradores dessa comunidade que ajudaram a identificar 23 plantas medicinais para uso comunitário. Os habitantes da comunidade Sahuangal, especialmente os avós e as mulheres idosas da casa, têm amplo conhecimento sobre as plantas às quais atribuem propriedades curativas que são usadas para tratar diferentes doenças ou enfermidades.

Plantas Medicinais , Botânica , Medicina Tradicional
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 116: e200620, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287338


The phylogenetic paradigm of eukaryotic evolution has changed dramatically over the past two decades, with profound reflections on the understanding of life on earth. Arcellinida testate (shelled) amoebae lineages represent some of the oldest fossils of eukaryotes, and the elucidation of their phylogenetic relationships opened a window to the distant past, with important implications for understanding the evolution of life on earth. This four-part essay summarises advances made in the past 20 years regarding: (i) the phylogenetic relationships among amoebae with shells evolving in concert with the advances made in the phylogeny of eukaryotes; (ii) paleobiological studies unraveling the biological affinities of Neoproterozoic vase-shaped microfossils (VSMs); (iii) the interwoven interpretation of these different sets of data concluding that the Neoproterozoic contains a surprising diversity of organisms, in turn demanding a reinterpretation of the most profound events we know in the history of eukaryotes, and; (iv) a synthesis of the current knowledge about the evolution of Arcellinida, together with the possibilities and pitfalls of their interpretation.

Paleontologia , Amoeba , Filogenia , Evolução Biológica , Fósseis
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 4187-4200, 2021.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-921498


The amino acid sequence of ancestral enzymes from extinct organisms can be deduced through in silico approach termed ancestral sequence reconstruction (ASR). ASR usually has six steps, which are the collection of nucleic acid/amino acid sequences of modern enzymes, multiple sequence alignment, phylogenetic tree construction, computational deduction of ancestral enzyme sequence, gene cloning, and characterization of enzyme properties. This method is widely used to study the adaptation and evolution mechanism of molecules to the changing environmental conditions on planetary time scale. As enzymes play key roles in biocatalysis, this method has become a powerful method for studying the relationship among the sequence, structure, and function of enzymes. Notably, most of the ancestral enzymes show better temperature stability and mutation stability, making them ideal protein scaffolds for further directed evolution. This article summarizes the computer algorithms, applications, and commonly used computer software of ASR, and discusses the potential application in directed evolution of enzymes.

Sequência de Aminoácidos , Evolução Molecular , Filogenia , Proteínas/genética , Alinhamento de Sequência
Acta bioeth ; 26(1): 51-60, mayo 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1114598


Este trabajo analiza la forma en que el derecho y la Constitución del 80 tratan a la naturaleza. Esta visión se contrapone con los enfoques de las filosofías de los pueblos indígenas andinos y mapuche, las cuales apuntan a la interrelación, interdependencia y reciprocidad en las relaciones entre sociedad y naturaleza. A partir de los problemas ambientales que la ciencia ha sistematizado y que afectan al mundo y al país, este trabajo elabora propuestas para una nueva configuración de lo ambiental y la naturaleza en la Constitución.

This paper assesses how the law and the 1980 Constitution deal with nature. This view contrasts with the perspective of the philosophies of the indigenous Andean and Mapuche peoples which consider the interrelation, interdependence and reciprocity in the relationships between society and nature. From the standpoint of the environmental problems that science has systematized and that affect the world and the country, this paper puts forward proposals for a new configuration for issues concerning the environment and nature in the Constitution.

Este trabalho analisa a forma como o Direito e a Constituição dos anos 80 tratam a natureza. Esta visão se contrapõe com o enfoque das filosofías dos povos indígenas andinos e mapuche, as quais apontam para a interrelação, interdependencia e reciprocidade nas relações entre sociedade e a natureza. A partir dos problemas ambientais que a ciencia sistematizou e que afetam o mundo e o país, este trabalho elabora propostas para uma nova configuração do ambiental e da natureza na Constituição.

Humanos , Índios Sul-Americanos , Constituição e Estatutos , Povos Indígenas , Direitos Humanos , Chile , Natureza , Alteração Ambiental , Cultura Indígena , Cosmovisão
Enferm. Investig ; 3(4): 180-186, Dic 4, 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1005269


Introducción:Losavances científicos, médicos y farmacológicos permiten que a través del tiempo, las culturas, tradiciones y creencias de poblaciones autóctonas se pierdan. Se hace necesariauna adaptación del nuevo modelo de la medicinapara noperder el origen de las culturas,propias de cada población y comunidad.Objetivo:Identificar la percepción de los habitantes indígenas acerca del uso de medicina ancestral yconvencional.Métodos:Estudio cualitativo, observacional, descriptivo, fenomenológico. La población fue 15 médicos y 15 pobladores de comunidades indígenas. Se realizó un grupo de discusión para recoger las percepciones de los pobladores indígenas y una entrevista semiestructurada para conocer las opiniones de los médicos respecto a las características del acceso de los pobladores a la medicina convencional. La información se analizó utilizando métodos cualitativos (matriz de análisis, identificando categorías, sub-categorías y relaciones entre categorías).Resultados:Se identificaron factores económicos, culturales, sociales, demográficos, la dispersión de la población, empatía con el personal de salud, como intervienen en el uso de la medicina convencional y la medicina ancestral, haciendo más uso de esta última. Conclusiones:En las comunidades se encontró como categoría de mayor relevancia la sociocultural, se concluye que los puntos de convergencia entre la percepción de médicos y pobladores es la categoría sociocultural y el puntos de divergencia se relaciona igualmente a la categoría sociocultural relacionado al uso de plantas y el trato recibido, es decir la elección o preferencia por la medicina tradicional interviene directamente la cultura.

Introduction: The scientific, medical and pharmacological advances allow that over time, the cultures, traditions and beliefs of native populations are lost. It is necessary to adapt the new model of medicine so as not to lose the origin of the cultures, specific to each population and community.Objective:To identify the perception of indigenous inhabitants about the use of ancestral and conventional medicine.Methods:Qualitative, observational, descriptive, phenomenological study. The population was 15 doctors and 15 inhabitants of indigenous communities. A discussion group was held to collect the perceptions of the indigenous inhabitants and a semi-structured interview to find out the opinions of the doctors regarding the characteristics of the access of the settlers to conventional medicine. The information was analyzed using qualitative methods (analysis matrix, identifying categories, sub-categories and relationships between categories).Results:Economic, cultural, social, demographic factors, population dispersion, empathy with health personnel were identified, as they intervene in the use of conventional medicine and ancestral medicine, making more use of the latter.Conclusions:The sociocultural category was found to be the most relevant category, it is concluded that the points of convergence between the perception of physicians and residents is the sociocultural category and the points of divergence are related to the sociocultural category related to the use of plants and the treatment received, that is, the choice or preference for traditional medicine directly intervenes in the culture

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Percepção , Medicina , Características de Residência , Cidades
Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery ; : 337-343, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-716629


BACKGROUND: This study evaluated outcomes following total knee arthroplasty for severely stiff knees in Asians. METHODS: Registry data of patients undergoing primary total knee arthroplasty between 2004 and 2013 were collected and retrospectively reviewed. Sociodemographic and anthropometric data together with the Oxford Knee Score and the Knee Society Score (Knee Society Knee Score and the Knee Society Function Score) were collected both preoperatively and postoperatively for up to 2 years. Case subjects consisted of patients with a preoperative flexion range of ≤ 20°. Control subjects consisted of patients with a preoperative flexion range of > 90°. Patients were matched for age, sex, and all preoperative scores in a 2:1 fashion. Two-year outcomes and 5-year revision rates were then compared between cases and controls. RESULTS: There were 28 cases and 56 controls. Cases had a significantly lower body mass index than the controls (p = 0.003) and had a longer hospital stay (p < 0.0001). At 2 years, cases had a significantly lower flexion range (p < 0.001) and a lower Knee Society Function Score (p = 0.020) than the controls. Cases had a significantly greater improvement in the flexion range (p < 0.001) postoperatively than controls. The mean change in functional outcomes at 2 years was comparable between the two groups. Seventy-one percent of the cases and 88% of controls were satisfied. There was a significant difference in the 5-year revision rate (10% vs 0%, p = 0.013). More cases were discharged to a rehabilitation facility compared to controls (p = 0.011). There were no differences in inpatient complication rates. CONCLUSIONS: Functional outcomes and patient satisfaction were acceptable following total knee arthroplasty in Asian patients with severe knee stiffness.

Humanos , Anquilose , Artroplastia , Artroplastia do Joelho , Povo Asiático , Índice de Massa Corporal , Pacientes Internados , Joelho , Tempo de Internação , Satisfação do Paciente , Reabilitação , Estudos Retrospectivos
Genet. mol. biol ; 41(1,supl.1): 288-307, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-892491


Abstract Sisyrinchium is the largest genus of Iridaceae in the Americas and has the greatest amount of cytological data available. This study aimed at investigating how genomes evolved in this genus. Chromosome number, genome size and altitude from species of sect. Viperella were analyzed in a phylogenetic context. Meiotic and pollen analyses were performed to assess reproductive success of natural populations, especially from those polyploid taxa. Character optimizations revealed that the common ancestor of sect. Viperella was probably diploid (2n = 2x =18) with two subsequent polyplodization events. Total DNA content (2C) varied considerably across the phylogeny with larger genomes detected mainly in polyploid species. Altitude also varied across the phylogeny, however no significant relationship was found between DNA content changes and altitude in our data set. All taxa presented regular meiosis and pollen viability (> 87%), except for S. sp. nov. aff. alatum (22.70%), suggesting a recent hybrid origin. Chromosome number is mostly constant within this section and polyploidy is the only source of modification. Although 2C varied considerably among the 20 taxa investigated, the diversity observed cannot be attributed only to polyploidy events because large variations of DNA content were also observed among diploids.

Medisan ; 21(10)oct.2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-996172


Se presenta un proyecto de investigación que pretende promover la colaboración intercultural entre la atención sanitaria (estudiantes, enfermeros y médicos) y los curanderos y parteras tradicionales en los centros de salud rurales, a fin de examinar las necesidades y las circunstancias propias del contexto para elaborar medidas concretas que permitan integrar este contenido al currículo de las carreras de medicina y enfermería de la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, de la Universidad de Cuenca y de otros centros de ese tipo en Ecuador. El proyecto tiene como finalidad vincular a los proveedores de atención sanitaria ya activos en las áreas rurales, tanto académicos como tradicionales, para intercambiar entre ellos.

An investigation project is presented aimed at promoting the intercultural collaboration between the health care staff (students, nurses and doctors) and the folk healers and traditional midwives in the rural health centers from Ecuador, in order to examine the necessities and the circumstances of the context to elaborate concrete measures that allow to integrate this content to the curriculum of the medicine and nursing careers of the Technical Particular University in Loja, from Cuenca University and from other centers of that type in the country. The project has as purpose to link the suppliers of health care who are already active in the rural areas, either as academic or as traditional, to exchange experiences among them.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Religião e Medicina , Diversidade Cultural , Assistência à Saúde Culturalmente Competente/etnologia , Medicina Tradicional/métodos , Universidades , Comunicação , Comportamento Cooperativo , Características Culturais , Indígena Americano ou Nativo do Alasca
Bogota; s.n; 2017. 72 p. tab.
Tese em Espanhol | MTYCI, LILACS | ID: biblio-948876


En este estudio hace énfasis en el papel de la inclusión social y la medicina tradicional de la comunidad afrodescendiente en relación con el programa de medicina intercultural en la zona centro oriente de la ciudad de Bogotá, Se examinan los principales actores sociales en los niveles individual o micro (de los participantes), interno o meso (territorios saludables medicina intercultural, entidades relacionadas con el proyecto medicina intercultural) y macro (actores institucionales, percepción institucional) sobre el rol desempeñado por las entidades encargadas de dinamizar el componente de inclusión social para grupos étnicos proyecto medicina intercultural en el periodo 2012 ­ 2016, por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas a funcionarios del Instituto Distrital de la Participación y Acción Comunal ­ IDPAC- , Secretaria de Salud, Funcionarios de los Kilombos y un grupo focal con la participación de lideresas en la comunidad Afrodescendiente; Los datos analizados sugieren que la inclusión social en general requiere el reconocimiento de las particularidades culturales de comunidades que como la Afro, así determinan sus prácticas como ciudadanos dignos; en particular en el sector salud, se requiere el acceso opcional a los Kilombos; El abordaje cultural a la salud debe establecerse en el diálogo entre los saberes de la medicina y desde el respeto por el conocimiento y las opciones individuales.

População Negra , Medicina Tradicional , Colômbia , Competência Cultural
Anatomy & Cell Biology ; : 180-186, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-50234


The morphological characteristics of the humeral bone has been investigated in recent times with studies showing varying degrees of sexual dimorphism. Osteologists and forensic scientists have shown that sex determination methods based on skeletal measurements are population specific, and these population-specific variations are present in many body dimensions. The present study aims to establish sex identification using osteometric standards for the humerus in a contemporary KwaZulu-Natal population. A total of 11 parameters were measured in a sample of n=211 humeri (males, 113; females, 98) from the osteological collection in the Discipline of Clinical Anatomy, Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. The difference in means for nearly all variables were found to be significantly higher in males compared to females (P<0.01) with the most effective single parameter for predicting sex being the vertical head diameter having an accuracy of 82.5%. Stepwise discriminant analysis increased the overall accuracy rate to 87.7% when all measurements were jointly applied. We conclude that the humerus is an important bone which can be reliably used for sex determination based on standard metric methods despite minor tribal or ancestral differences amongst an otherwise homogenous population.

Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Cabeça , Úmero , África do Sul
Polibotánica ; (42): 215-245, 2016. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, MTYCI | ID: biblio-910328


La medicina tradicional vigente en todos los grupos étnicos y mestizos de México, es una herencia ancestral sobre el conocimiento de plantas medicinales, que representan un patrimonio cultural que debemos valorar y conservar. El propósito de este estudio es determinar el estado que guarda el conocimiento tradicional sobre plantas medicinales entre los habitantes de Santiago Tepetitlán y la cabecera municipal de San Martín de las Pirámides. Se realizaron entrevistas dirigidas y cuestionarios a estudiantes de nivel básico y medio superior, agricultores, amas de casa, y personas de la tercera edad. La colecta de las plantas medicinales se realizó durante las caminatas guiadas en las dos localidades y sus alrededores. Las personas de las dos comunidades utilizan 96 plantas medicinales, 55 de ellas son de origen silvestre y 23 son cultivadas, 10 arvenses y ocho ruderales. Se agrupan en 46 familias botánicas, siendo Asteraceae la mejor representada (45.6%), Solanaceae (15.2%), Amaranthaceae y Lamiaceae (10.8%), Apiaceae y Fabaceae (8.7%), registran los menores porcentajes. Las plantas medicinales se usan principalmente para problemas del sistema digestivo (31.3%), analgésicas (11.8%) sistema respiratorio (10.8%), piel (8.1%), traumatismos (7.5%), y las utilizadas en sistema reproductor (7.0%). Se encontró que las personas de la tercera edad y amas de casa, son quienes tienen un amplio conocimiento del uso y aplicación de las plantas medicinales. Se recuperó el conocimiento tradicional sobre plantas medicinales que poseen los pobladores, lo que representa una alternativa de atención a sus enfermedades.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Povos Indígenas , Medicina Tradicional , Plantas Medicinais , Etnobotânica , México
Rev. luna azul ; (41): 29-56, jul.-dic. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-783570


La realidad sobre los derechos formales de los indígenas sobre los territorios colectivos, dista mucho de estar ajustada a la que plantea la Constitución Política de Colombia respecto a la calidad de vida y en el cumplimiento de su derecho de autonomía. Permanecen todavía graves problemas que atentan contra sus territorios, la tranquilidad, la paz y su pervivencia. El casi nulo cubrimiento de necesidades básicas como salud, educación, alimento y vivienda por la no inclusión en los planes de desarrollo municipales de estas comunidades, bajo el argumento de que sus territorios reciben sus propios recursos económicos, amenaza la sobrevivencia de estos grupos y convierte sus territorios en zonas de guerra, de conflicto y de intereses particulares. Esto se refleja en la realidad nacional y no existe ni social ni políticamente la conciencia de que esto constituye un hecho de discriminación racial. Se plantean entonces alternativas metodológicas de cómo construir planes de vida más ajustados a su realidad con muchas alternativas para la cohesión de estas comunidades indígenas con los planes de desarrollo de los municipios que contienen dichos territorios colectivos; que se construyen luego de un análisis profundo desde una perspectiva diferente a modelos económicos desde sus propios momentos de vida, con un proceso de construcción más ajustado a sus culturas, realidades tanto ambientales como sociales en sus territorios. El resultado es una serie de estrategias que sería hasta ahora un abordaje más ajustado a dichas realidades, desde los planteamientos de la agroecología hacia la aproximación de lo que sería el etnoecodesarrollo.

The reality on the formal rights of indigenous people on collective territories is far from being adjusted to what is set out by the Constitution of Colombia regarding quality of life and fulfillment of their right to autonomy. Serious problems that threaten their territories, tranquility, peace and survival still remain. The almost non-existent coverage of basic needs like health, education, food and shelter due to the lack ot inclusion in the municipal development plans of these communities, with the excuse that their territories are given their own economic resources, threaten the survival of these groups and turn their territories into war, conflict and individual interests zones. This is reflected in the national reality and neither social nor political awareness exist that this is an act of racial discrimination. Methodological alternatives on how to build life plans tighter to their reality with many alternatives to the cohesion of these indigenous communities in the formulation of municipalities development plans containing such collective territories then arise, which are constructed after a deep analysis from a perspective different to economic models derived from their own life moments with a construction process tighter to their cultures, both environmental and social in their territories. The result is a series of strategies that would be, so far, a tighter approach to such realities, from agroecology approaches to an approximation of what would be the ethno-eco development.

Humanos , Povos Indígenas , Colômbia , Ecologia , Agricultura Sustentável
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 12(4): 761-770, Oct-Dec/2014. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-732619


We present a database containing cytogenetic data of Neotropical actinopterygian fishes from Venezuela obtained in a single laboratory for the first time. The results of this study include 103 species belonging to 74 genera assigned to 45 families and 17 out of the 40 teleost orders. In the group of marine fishes, the modal diploid number was 2n=48 represented in 60% of the studied species, while in the freshwater fish group the modal diploid complement was 2n=54, represented in 21.21 % of the studied species. The average number of chromosomes and the mean FN were statistically higher in freshwater fish than in marine fish. The degree of diversification and karyotype variation was also higher in freshwater fish in contrast to a more conserved cytogenetic pattern in marine fish. In contrast to the assumption according to which 48 acrocentric chromosomes was basal chromosome number in fish, data here presented show that there is an obvious trend towards the reduction of the diploid number of chromosomes from values near 2n=60 with high number of biarmed chromosomes in more basal species to 2n=48 acrocentric elements in more derived Actinopterygii.

Se presenta una base de datos que contiene los datos citogenéticos de peces Actinopterigios Neotropicales de Venezuela obtenidos por primera vez en un solo laboratorio. Los resultados de este estudio incluyen 103 especies pertenecientes a 74 géneros de 45 familias contenidas en 17 de los 40 órdenes de teleósteos. En el grupo de peces marinos, el número diploide modal fue 2n=48 representado en 60% de las especies estudiadas, mientras que en el grupo de peces de agua dulce el complemento diploide modal fue 2n=54, representado en el 21,21% de las especies estudiadas. El número de cromosomas y FN promedio fueron estadísticamente superiores en peces dulceacuícolas. El grado de diversificación y variación en el cariotipo también fue mayor en peces de agua dulce en contraste con un patrón citogenético más conservado en peces marinos. En contraposición a la suposición según la cual 48 cromosomas acrocentricos era el número cromosómico basal en los peces, los datos aquí presentados muestran que existe una evidente tendencia hacia la reducción del número de cromosomas desde valores cercanos a 2n=60 con alto número de cromosomas birrámeos en las especies más basales a 2n=48 elementos acrocéntricos en los actinopterigios más derivados.

Animais , Cariotipagem/veterinária , Mapeamento Cromossômico/veterinária , Peixes/genética , Evolução Biológica
Agora USB ; 13(1)Ene.-Jun. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533554


Este artículo de investigación pretende brindar elementos de análisis sobre el complejo tema de la colonización de la naturaleza. En él se hace una argumentación descriptiva basada hallazgos teóricos sobre las relaciones entre el extractivismo, una práctica propia del dispositivo colonial, y lo que aquí denominamos colonización de la naturaleza. El artículo presenta inicialmente un balance del impacto en la configuración de la visión-apropiación ancestral del territorio y su contenido cultural, a raíz de la imposición de una nueva semántica, en referencia al dispositivo de poder colonial. Luego, se analiza la relación del extractivismo con el proceso de colonización de la naturaleza, para finalmente esbozar una reflexión breve vinculando contextos y problemas contemporáneos.

This research paper aims at providing some elements of analysis on the complex issue of the colonization of nature. In it a descriptive argument is carried out based on theoretical findings on the relationships between extractivism, which is a proper practice of the colonial device, and what is here called colonization of nature. The article initially presents an assessment of the impact on the configuration of the ancestral vision and appropriation of the territory and its cultural contents, as a result of the imposition of a new semantics, in reference to the device of the colonial powers. Then, the relationship between extractivism and the process of colonization of nature is analyzed; to finally sketch a brief reflection, by linking contemporary issues and contexts.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 64(6): 1656-1664, Dec. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-660237


Foram utilizados dados de pedigree de 2.558 bovinos da raça Gir Mocha nascidos no período de 1954 a 2005. As análises foram realizadas utilizando-se o programa Endog. Do total de animais estudados, 61,9%; 10,6% e 0,1% possuíam pedigree na primeira, segunda e terceira gerações, respectivamente.O número efetivo de rebanhos que forneceram machos reprodutores foi de 10,25 para pais e 3,87 para avôs, confirmando a baixa integralidade do pedigree. O número de animais fundadores foi de 975,5, e o número efetivo de fundadores de 141,34. O número de ancestrais na população referência foi de 924 animas, dos quais apenas 39 explicaram 50% da variabilidade genética da população.O coeficiente médio de relação foi estimado em 0,75%, sendo o maior coeficiente individual de 25%. O coeficiente de endogamia foi igual a zero de 1954 a 1984. Vale salientar que, neste período, estão incluídos os animais sem ascendência conhecida. A endogamia e o coeficiente médio de relação da população foram baixos, contudo podem estar subestimados em razão da pequena integralidade do pedigree.

In this study we used data from the 2558 pedigree cattle polled Gir born from 1954 to 2005. Analyses were performed using the Endog program. Of all animals studied, 61.86%, 10.56% and 0.10% had a pedigree in the first, second and third generation, respectively. The effective number of herds that provide breeding males was 10.25 for parents and 3.87 for grandparents, corroborating the low completeness of the pedigree. The number of founder animals was 975.5 and the effective number of founders were 141.34. The number of ancestors in the reference population was 924 animals from which only 39 accounted for 50% of the genetic variability of the population. The average relationship coefficient was estimated at 0.75%, the largest individual coefficient was 25%. The inbreeding coefficient was zero from 1954 to 1894. It is noteworthy that during this period included the population was low, but may be underestimated because of the small pedigree integrity.

Animais , Bovinos , Endogamia , Linhagem , Mapeamento Físico do Cromossomo/veterinária
Agora USB ; 12(2): 473-495, jul.-dic. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-703259


Este artículo de investigación pretende brindar elementos de análisis sobre el complejo tema de la colonización de la naturaleza. En él se hace una argumentación descriptiva basada hallazgos teóricos sobre las relaciones entre el extractivismo, una práctica propia del dispositivo colonial, y lo que aquí denominamos colonización de la naturaleza. El artículo presenta inicialmente un balance del impacto en la configuración de la visión-apropiación ancestral del territorio y su contenido cultural, a raíz de la imposición de una nueva semántica, en referencia al dispositivo de poder colonial. Luego, se analiza la relación del extractivismo con el proceso de colonización de la naturaleza, para finalmente esbozar una reflexión breve vinculando contextos y problemas contemporáneos.

This research paper aims at providing some elements of analysis on the complex issue of the colonization of nature. In it a descriptive argument is carried out based on theoretical findings on the relationships between extractivism, which is a proper practice of the colonial device, and what is here called colonization of nature. The article initially presents an assessment of the impact on the configuration of the ancestral vision and appropriation of the territory and its cultural contents, as a result of the imposition of a new semantics, in reference to the device of the colonial powers. Then, the relationship between extractivism and the process of colonization of nature is analyzed; to finally sketch a brief reflection, by linking contemporary issues and contexts.

Humanos , Ecologia/classificação , Ecologia/educação , Ecologia/história , Ecologia/estatística & dados numéricos , Ecologia/ética , Ecologia/instrumentação , Ecologia/legislação & jurisprudência , Ecologia/métodos , Ecologia/normas , Ecologia/organização & administração , Ecologia